Kendime 99 Öğüt
Kendime 99 öğüt …
- Tell your friends that you’re looking for design work
- Tell your family the same thing
- Tell everyone you meet the same thing (but don’t sound desperate).
- Design a website for a friend’s band
- Cold call local businesses for design work
- Cold email local business (or any business for that matter whose site looks like this)
- Design a brochure pro bono
- Design a brochure for your design business
- Design a book cover pro bono
- Design an e-book cover for an e-book author
- Attend a local business networking event and pass out business cards
- Read the classifieds in the local paper
- Look through Craigslist for design jobs
- Browse the job postings on Smashing Magazine’s Job Board
- Browse the job postings on’s Job Board
- Design a website only using Illustrator
- Design a website only using Photoshop
- Design a website straight from the browser
- Recreate a Tutorial
- Write a Tutorial
- Paint by numbers
- Design a logo for a church
- Design a logo for a small non-profit
- Redesign a mainstream website (i.e. just for fun
- Write a post for Visual Swirl (email me)
- Write a post for any other blog
- Create a logo for your personal brand
- Work on a design for your freelance/design agency website
- Extend this design to a business card
- Create your own crowdsourcing site called 100Designs and brag about how you have 1 more designer
- Create web banners for a company
- Expand your design skill set
- Expand your design resources
- Create a profile on
- Create a profile on
- Watch an old episode of the Joy of Painting and make Happy Trees with Bob Ross.
- Create and sell a template through Theme Forest
- Create stock graphic packages and sell them through Graphic River
- Sell stock photography through Deposit Photos or Pixmac
- Make an iPhone app
- Make an Android app
- Make an app for a TI-83 Graphing Calculator (does anyone remember playing games in Math Class?)
- Sketch up some wireframe ideas for potential websites
- Start with a grid and create some unique web layouts
- Take a famous design quote and make a poster
- Learn jQuery
- Create a jQuery plugin
- Create a wallpaper for your desktop
- Create a wallpaper for your iPhone
- Post your best work on Flickr
- Throw a bucket of paint at a wall and get paid millions for calling it art
- Create a t-shirt design
- Promote or sell your t-shirt design on sites like Design By Humans
- Take a cake decorating class
- Take some hi-res photographs to use as textures
- Create a social media icon set
- Create a user interface icon set
- Create an icon set about something you love
- Learn about using CSS3 and HTML5
- Doodle in a Moleskine notebook
- Doodle a lot in a Moleskine notebook
- Create a set of cartoon characters in Illustrator
- Design a useful set of infographics
- Create an identity set (letterhead, envelope designs, etc.) for a local business
- Watch for tweets about people in need of design help
- Send out tweets informing others that you’re looking for work
- Create a Facebook Page for your design business
- Play your guitar in the subway for spare change
- Create a logo and sell it through Brand Stack
- Draw a picture with Microsoft paint
- Slap yourself for thinking about using Microsoft paint
- Create some kinetic typography in After Effects
- Design the interface for a new desktop application
- Design the interface for a new web application
- Redesign the interface of a current desktop/web app
- Resell hosting services
- Sell personal creations on
- Sell artwork on Deviant Art
- Create your own design blog
- Ask design firms if they’re in need of any freelance help
- Apply for an internship with a design firm
- Look for work on Freelance Switch
- Find a design job on Krop’s job board
- Eat a piece of cake (Sorry, that’s what I’m doing right now)
- Design a custom twitter background for yourself
- Offer to design a custom twitter background for others
- Design a website for your uncle’s Guns and Bow-ties store (or whatever crazy business he runs)
- Don’t design all the time. Spend time with your friends and family
- Collect images, logos, and websites that inspire you
- Create whatever comes to mind after being inspired
- Create magazine cover mockups for your portfolio
- Create print advertisement mockups for your portfolio
- Create a photo manipulation piece in Photoshop
- Revisit projects that you worked on in design school. Make them better
- Setup your own premium theme shop like Viva Themes or Studio Press
- Write how-to articles for
- Do some affiliate marketing
- Offer services no other designer in your area offers
- Stop reading this article and start creating something